Art Work
The cities in Unjung Lee’s work are whimsical windows that provide the viewer to see transformed cities with new eyes. The artists' city doesn't have to be same as the city that we have known before. After being exposed to Lee’s urban spaces, the viewer can look upon their own cities with new meaning bringing focus and appreciation for the transformed urban space.
In Lee’s work, there are not only current cities but also past and future cities that stand next to each other speaking little messages. Her cities have multiformity and are elaborated like expos but still maintain a sense of order. she was trying to make the city when viewer watch her work in the distance, it seems to be watching the city in the light airplane. Lee’s use of high contrast of light and shadow brings her work to life and is presented as if the cities were lit by the beam of a projector. When the viewer looks closer, the details reveal a narrative that something happened amusing in the city.
Critic_Jieun Jeong (Doctor of Philosophy&Aesthetics)
따스한 섬 / 이언정
전시ㅣ 경기만 에코뮤지엄(구 대부면사무소)
기간ㅣ 2021.10.14 - 10.19
관람ㅣ 오전 10시- 오후 4시(월요일 휴관)
위치ㅣ 경기도 안산시 단원구 대부중앙로 97-9
온라인 전시 ㅣ www.pizmin.com
기간 ㅣ 2021. 10. 23 - 12. 31

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이언정 ㅣ Lee Unjung
경기 안산시 단원구 선감로 101-19 경기창작센터
101-19, Seongam-ro, Danwon-gu, Ansan-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea